




Large Numbers of Children Hit by Cars This Summer in Middle Tennessee

Posted in Car Accident,Pedestrian Accident,Personal Injury,Tennessee Accident Law on June 17, 2015

Large Numbers of Children Hit by Cars This Summer in Middle Tennessee

A spokesperson with Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt University says that the hospital has treated large numbers of children who were struck by cars since summer vacation began in the Middle Tennessee area.

A staff report by wkrn.com states that the accidents range from those where children were hit in the middle of the street and children who were struck by a vehicle that was backing up because the driver didn’t them.

An associate professor of pediatrics and emergency medicine at Vanderbilt said that people often think that driving at low speeds reduces the risk if children are struck by cars, but low-speed accidents in parking lots and driveways often cause severe injuries.

Vanderbilt doctors also stated that families should set rules with children under the age of 10 to never cross the street alone or play near traffic without constant adult supervision.

In addition, drivers in Nashville and throughout the Middle Tennessee area should be extra cautious when driving in residential areas due to children being out of school for the summer.

Matt Hardin Law’s team of Nashville personal injury attorneys has helped many people who were seriously injured after getting struck by vehicles, and we encourage parents to set strict rules to keep their children safe during the summer break.

How Can Parents Protect Children from the Dangers of Passing Vehicles?

Not only are children at higher risk of being struck by a vehicle in the first place, but they’re also at higher risk of suffering serious and debilitating injuries due to the fact that their bodies are still developing. Parents can help reduce their children’s risk of getting struck by vehicles on roads, parking lots, and driveways by enforcing a few rules:

  • Don’t allow children to play in or near the street.

Even if your neighborhood has relatively little traffic, letting your children play in the street can make them more likely to play in the street in other places where traffic may be heavier and traveling at higher rates of speed. By establishing early that your children should never play in the street—even in your own neighborhood—you can reduce the likelihood that they will do so when they’re away from home.

  • Don’t let your children chase after lost balls or toys.

The scenario of a driver seeing a bouncing ball in the street and a young children running after it is one used frequently in media for good reason. One of the main reasons children cross the street is to retrieve balls or other toys—and young children are especially vulnerable during those moments, as they may not stop to look both ways before crossing. Set rules with your children to never cross the street to retrieve anything unless accompanied by an adult.

  • Don’t let your children walk alone near the street.

Walking near traffic on the shoulder or in the grass next to a roadway is dangerous for everyone—especially young children. If possible, accompany your child when he or she walks anywhere and always walk as far from the roadways as possible to protect both your child and yourself.

By setting strict rules for your children and making sure you or another adult is there to supervise them anytime they play near a road or are walking in a parking lot or even your own driveway, you can help significantly reduce their risk of being injured by a vehicle.

Unfortunately, following precautions and safety tips can only reduce—not eliminate—the chances that your child could be injured by a vehicle. If your child was hurt by a car, you may be eligible to receive compensation for his or her medical expenses. Get in touch with our Nashville personal injury lawyers today—just dial (615) 200-1111 or submit a free online form to get in touch with our experienced legal team.