




Driving Without Insurance Could Lead to Car Towing in Tennessee

Posted in Insurance Issues,Personal Injury,Tennessee Accident Law on June 24, 2015

Driving Without Insurance Could Lead to Car Towing in Tennessee

Beginning July 1, drivers who are caught behind the wheel without valid auto insurance could have their vehicles towed.

A staff report by wkrn.com states that the law is a part of House Bill 606, which was passed and approved by the state legislature earlier this year and is designed to reduce the number of uninsured drivers on the road.

When the law takes effect on July 1, police will have the authority to tow the vehicles of drivers who are caught without valid insurance at the time they are pulled over.

In addition to authorizing towing of their vehicles, drivers will also receive fines of $300—a significant increase from the previous fine of $100.

The state will also establish a new system to take effect in summer 2016 that will allow police to scan a vehicle’s VIN to immediately determine whether the vehicle is insured.

A report by the Insurance Information Institute says that Tennessee had the sixth-highest number of uninsured motorists in the nation in 2012, with 20 percent of all drivers not carrying any form of auto insurance compared to a national average of 12.6 percent.

Matt Hardin Law’s team of Nashville car accident attorneys hopes this new law will significantly reduce the number of uninsured drivers on Tennessee’s roadways.

Why is Driving with Auto Insurance So Important?

In order to legally drive a vehicle in Tennessee and the rest of the United States, drivers have to meet certain criteria. They need to be at least 16 years old to drive unsupervised, have good vision or wear corrective lenses, pass a written and driving skills examination, carry a valid driver’s license, and drive only vehicles that are either insured under their own policy or the policy of someone who consents to them driving their vehicle.

Of those requirements, the most frequently ignored is the requirement to have auto insurance. Having valid and up-to-date auto insurance is important for several reasons, including:

  • It protects the value of your vehicle.

Carrying full coverage insurance protects the value of your vehicle in case you’re involved in an accident and need money for repairs and part replacements. In addition, vehicle theft is often only covered if you have comprehensive coverage. Most policies don’t provide compensation for people who carry only liability coverage and whose cars are stolen.

  • It protects your own finances and assets.

If you’re involved in an accident that injures you or someone else, your car insurance will pay for the medical bills and lost wages that could result from the accident. If you don’t carry car insurance and are sued by someone you hurt, you could have to pay for their expenses out of pocket.

  • It’s required by the law.

Driving without insurance is a ticking time bomb for most drivers. Eventually, almost all drivers will get pulled over by police, whether it’s at a routine traffic stop or for minor offenses like speeding or not coming to a complete stop. When that happens and police find you don’t have insurance, you’ll not only be required to purchase it, but you’ll also receive a fine and could have your car towed.

Matt Hardin and his team of Nashville auto accident attorneys handle a wide variety of auto accident claims in Tennessee, and we know how important auto insurance is to both victims and the drivers who caused the accidents in the first place. With the implementation of this new law, there’s no excuse for drivers to not purchase car insurance to protect themselves, their finances, and other drivers.

If you or someone you love was injured in a car accident and you need help recovering compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle repair costs, get in touch with our legal team. We have 20 years of experience assisting injured victims just like you. Dial (615) 200-1111 or complete our free online consultation form today.