Posted in Car Accident,Tennessee Accident Law on June 26, 2017
Three dogs died in Clarksville recently because of high temperatures, prompting the Clarksville Police Department and Montgomery County Animal Care and Control to team up to help educate residents about pet safety.
Per a report by The Leaf-Chronicle, two people have been charged for their suspected role in the dogs’ deaths. One person was arrested after it was discovered that she left her dogs outside from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. without water. Temperatures soared to 96 degrees that day, causing the dogs to die of heat exhaustion and dehydration.
A spokesperson with the CPD says that the animal deaths were preventable, and that it’s important for pet owners to understand the dangers that dogs face in high temperatures—especially since summer hasn’t reached its peak heat yet.
The CPD and MCACC went on to say that dog owners should watch their pets for signs of heat exhaustion, which can include symptoms like rapid panting, unsteady balance, bright red tongue, nausea, and vomiting.
Hot Cars Can Be Deadly for Kids and Animals
NBC News reports that hot cars are the top non-crash vehicle-related cause of death for kids under the age of 14, with children under the age of 1 being the most vulnerable.
In 2013, 44 kids died in hot cars, and an average of 38 kids suffer fatal heat-related injuries in hot cars every year since 1998. And while most hot car-related deaths occur from June to August, they have been recorded in the U.S. every month of the year other than January.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants all parents (and pet owners) to know these important facts about the dangers of hot cars:
Sometimes parents and pet owners think that their kids or animals will be safe in the car if they only need to make a quick trip inside a building. However, just because a car is at a comfortable temperature when it’s stopped doesn’t mean it will remain that way for long. A vehicle with an interior temperature of 80 degrees can reach dangerous levels in just 10 minutes.
Warm spring days and cool summer days are hot enough to make the interior of vehicles potentially fatal for kids and pets. Outside temperatures of 60 degrees can cause vehicle interiors to reach temperatures well over 100 degrees, putting occupants at extreme risk when they’re left inside.
Even with a cool breeze and a parking spot in the shade, kids and pets still face significant risks when they’re left inside vehicles. In fact, research shows that temperatures inside vehicles can reach levels high enough to cause heat stroke even when it’s 57-degrees outside—which means no amount of shade or breeze is enough to prevent injuries on hot or even warm days.
Matt Hardin Law’s team of Clarksville car accident lawyers help many people who are injured in vehicle crashes every year, but we know that collisions aren’t the only aspects of cars, trucks, and SUVs that pose dangers. As the peak summer months and temperatures are upon us, it’s more important than ever to remember the dangers of leaving kids and pets inside vehicles. Even short trips can be potentially deadly, as the body temperatures of children and animals can rise faster than adults’.
Our legal team is here to help after car accidents, truck accidents, and other vehicle-related accidents that were caused by another person’s negligence. If you or someone you love was hurt by a careless driver, you may be eligible to pursue a claim for compensation. Get in touch with us today and let us put our 20 years of experience to work for you and your family. Just dial (931) 274-7788 or complete a free online consultation form.