




Fatality Reported after Accident on Interstate 840 near Franklin

Posted in Car Accident,Tennessee Accident Law on November 8, 2016

Fatality Reported after Accident on Interstate 840 near Franklin

An accident claimed the life of one person on Friday morning after two vehicles collided on Interstate 840 in Williamson County.

WKRN.com reports that the accident occurred at around 7 a.m. in the eastbound lanes of I-840 near mile marker 9 when a Ford F-250 pickup truck collided with an SUV. The impact of the collision caused one person inside the SUV to suffer fatal injuries.

Police have not released the identity of the victim or what caused the accident to occur. Emergency responders closed all but one lane of traffic on I-840 as they worked to investigate the crash and clear the accident scene.

No further information has been released.

Common Causes of Interstate Accidents in Tennessee

Whether you’re driving to work or across the country, interstates can shave minutes, hours, or even days off trips. However, the fast speed limits and high traffic densities mean that accidents can be more likely to result in serious injuries and even fatalities for drivers and passengers. Because of the increased risks during accidents, it’s vital that drivers proceed with caution when driving on interstates.

To help reduce your risks of being involved in a serious accident on an interstate or highway, read the following common causes of interstate crashes:

  • Speeding

Although interstates in Tennessee feature speed limits that go up to 70 mph, it’s important to avoid exceeding that limit. Speeding only reduces your travel time by a few minutes, but it can significantly increase your risk of being involved in a crash. Speeding makes it more difficult to stop or slow down to avoid accidents and increases the chance that you’ll lose control while navigating turns and curves in the roadway.

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Safe driving requires being of sound mind regardless of the type of road you’re traveling on, but the fast-moving nature of highways and interstates makes it even more important to avoid alcohol, drugs, and certain prescription medications before you get behind the wheel. Drivers who are intoxicated or impaired often experience blurred vision, delayed reaction times, and poor judgment—all of which can lead to serious and even fatal accidents.

  • Driving while distracted or drowsy

While driving on the interstate is often the fastest option to get from point A to point B, it can also increase the risk of drivers becoming distracted due to things like smartphones, car entertainment systems, and GPS systems. In addition, some drivers may be susceptible to highway hypnosis—a sudden drowsiness and inattentiveness caused by monotonous driving. Both distractions and drowsiness can cause drivers to briefly lose their focus on the task at hand, increasing their risk of causing accidents.

  • Following other vehicles too closely

It’s important to always leave plenty of room between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. But when you’re traveling at 70 mph, the amount of room you should leave increases significantly. Following another vehicle too closely on a highway or interstate is dangerous, as traffic patterns may be unpredictable and any sudden braking by drivers ahead of you can set off a chain reaction. When you’re traveling at a high speed, you may not have enough time to react unless you stay a safe distance behind other vehicles.

The Nashville auto accident attorneys at Matt Hardin Law know that car accidents can occur at any time and on any roadway. But we also know that accidents that occur on interstates have the potential to result in serious and even life-threatening injuries—especially when they happen at high speeds. That’s why it’s vital for all drivers to be as cautious as possible when traveling on the highways and interstates in Nashville and throughout Middle Tennessee.

Were you recently injured in an auto accident on an interstate in Nashville? If so, you may be eligible to file a claim for compensation for things like medical bills, lost wages, and other accident-related expenses. To find out how our legal team can assist you during this time, just dial (615) 200-1111.