Posted in Personal Injury,Truck Wreck on February 14, 2017
Injuries Reported after Vehicle Crashes into Back of Semi-Truck
A vehicle crashed into the back of a semi-truck in the westbound lanes of Interstate 40 late Thursday night, causing the vehicle’s driver to suffer injuries.
Per a report by, the accident occurred when the man was traveling west on I-40 in Davidson County near the Linwood Road exit and his vehicle crashed into the back of the semi-truck, which had stopped due to traffic.
The 48-year-old driver of the vehicle was injured during the crash and transported to Vanderbilt University Medical Center via LifeFlight helicopter to receive treatment for his injuries. His current condition is unknown, as is the cause of the accident. Police briefly closed the interstate to allow the helicopter to land on the roadway.
An investigation by the Tennessee Highway Patrol revealed that there were no drugs or alcohol in the man’s vehicle. In addition, both drivers were wearing their seat belts at the time of the collision.
Tips for Avoiding Rear-End Collisions
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that rear-end collisions are the most common type of accidents on roadways in the United States. These accidents comprise nearly one-third of auto accidents in the country. And while these accidents aren’t statistically as likely to cause fatal injuries as other types of accidents, they can still be deadly and leave survivors with serious complications, such as chronic pain, whiplash, and even traumatic brain injuries.
To decrease your risk of being involved in a rear-end collision, do your best to follow these tips:
No safe driving behavior can prevent you from having an accident if you’re following another vehicle too closely and its driver suddenly brakes. Your reaction times and your own vehicle’s braking ability limit the speed that your vehicle can slow down, and when you’re too close to another car, it’s often impossible to avoid a collision. Always leave multiple car lengths between the front of your vehicle and the rear of the vehicle in front of you, and pay attention to the vehicle’s brake lights and speed to maintain a safe speed of your own.
Even if you have established a safe distance between your vehicle and other vehicles, you can still be involved in a rear-end collision if you take your focus off the roadway. That’s why it’s important to avoid distractions. It takes around five seconds to open and read a text message, and in that time, your vehicle can travel the length of a football field. If you must send a text message, change directions in your GPS, or make a phone call, pull over to a rest stop rather than doing these tasks while driving.
The tips above will help you avoid rear-ending other drivers, but it’s also important to know how to avoid being rear-ended yourself. While you can’t control the behaviors of other drivers—especially those that follow too closely—you can switch lanes if there are others available to allow them to pass. You can also avoid suddenly changing lanes in dense traffic, cutting off other drivers, and attempting to pass vehicles when you’re approaching stopped or slowed traffic.
It’s important to signal your intentions to other drivers. Two of the most effective ways to do this are via your turn signals and your brake lights. Always use your turn signals when you’re planning on turning or changing lanes. However, these lights are only effective if they’re in good working condition. Check all lights on your vehicle on a regular basis, and replace any burned out bulbs immediately.
Like all types of auto accidents, rear-end collisions can result in serious injuries that can range from disabling to life-threatening. Victims of these types of accidents may suffer injuries that put them out of work for weeks, months, or even years. And when that happens, they may be unable to provide for their families and pay for their medical bills.
At Matt Hardin Law, our Nashville auto accident attorneys know that rear-end collisions can dramatically change the lives of victims—especially when they’re forced to spend their life savings on medical treatments and living expenses. If you or someone you know was injured in a rear-end collision that was caused by a negligent driver, we want to help you get compensation for your accident-related expenses. Get in touch with us today by dialing (615) 200-1111 or completing a free online consultation form.