




Nashville Drivers Face Flash Flooding after Heavy Rain on Murfreesboro Pike

Posted in Car Accident,Personal Injury,Tennessee Accident Law on March 25, 2016

Nashville Drivers Face Flash Flooding after Heavy Rain on Murfreesboro Pike

After heavy rainfall on Thursday, roadways in south Nashville and the Murfreesboro Pike area began collecting water, leading to a flash flood situation for many drivers.

According to a report by WKRN.com, the water was deep enough to pose a risk to drivers’ vehicles and their own safety as they drove through it. A local attorney told reporters that his practice is near the flood zone, and standing water often makes it impossible for clients to make it to his office.

Although jurisdiction of repairs and cleanup of Murfreesboro Pike—which is a state road—fall under the authority of the Tennessee Department of Transportation, Metro Nashville is responsible for drainage issues.

A spokesperson with Metro Water Services told reporters that both Metro and TDOT are working together to design a drainage improvement project for the roadway to help address the issues of flash flooding and standing water.

The project is estimated to cost around $5 million and will be financed jointly by Metro Water Services, Metro Public Works, and TDOT.

3 Tips to Stay Safe when Driving Through Flooded Areas

The best rule of thumb to follow when driving during or after periods of rainfall is to avoid areas with standing or flowing water altogether. Driving through standing water that’s even 12 inches deep is enough to sweep your vehicle off the roadway if the current is powerful enough. However, avoiding areas with standing water isn’t always possible.

If you need to drive through areas with standing water, do your best to follow these three tips to stay safe:

  1. Estimate the depth of the water before you drive through it.

As you approach an area with standing water, you may be able to estimate its depth by watching other vehicles drive through it. If the standing water is only a few inches deep, proceed through the area with caution and at a reduced speed. However, if the water is approaching 12 inches or more in depth, take an alternate route or turn around.

  1. Never drive through standing water near downed electrical or power lines.

Strong storms produce powerful winds and heavy rainfall, and that means flash floods can be accompanied by downed limbs, signs, and even power lines. Do your best to avoid driving through standing water that contains or is near fallen power lines, transformers, and other electrical equipment. The current can pass through the water and may put you or your vehicle at risk of receiving an electrical shock.

  1. Get out of your vehicle if it becomes surrounded by flood water.

If you drive through water that’s too deep for your vehicle to handle, or if your vehicle is suddenly surrounded by rising flood waters, unbuckle your seat belt, open your door or roll down your window, and exit your vehicle immediately. Get to higher ground as quickly as you can, and then call 911 for help.

Driving near deep water during or after heavy rainfall can be a frightening and stressful experience, but you can significantly reduce your risks by taking a cautious approach, reducing your speed, and being prepared to act quickly if your vehicle becomes surrounded by water and is at risk of becoming flooded or swept away by a powerful current.

It’s important to remember that flash flooding is perilous for drivers, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says that more people die due to floods than thunderstorms and hurricanes each year in the United States.

At Matt Hardin Law, our Nashville auto accident attorneys know that drivers throughout Middle Tennessee face many dangers every time they get behind the wheel—including natural and weather-related dangers. However, one of the most common causes of car accidents is the negligence of other drivers. If you or someone you love was involved in a car accident caused by a careless driver, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your accident-related expenses.

To find out how our legal team can put its 20 years of experience to work for your family, dial (615) 200-1111 or complete a free online consultation form today.