Posted in Car Accident,Tennessee Accident Law on June 30, 2017
With Nashville’s population continuing to boom and traffic on the city’s major thoroughfares continuing to increase, many drivers have started taking shortcuts through residential neighborhoods to avoid back up. reports that residents of the Elmwood Avenue neighborhood have created a traffic circle in order to slow down drivers who use the street to get from Belmont to the 12 South business district.
A resident of the area says that they feared for their children’s safety and their ability to walk on the neighborhood’s sidewalks without worrying about excess traffic and speeding vehicles.
The resident also says that most of the response to the traffic circle was positive, and now residents of other Nashville neighborhoods have contacted him for help designing their own traffic circles.
He said that he recommends neighborhood residents first contact their neighborhood associations and then their city council representatives to check the viability of adding a traffic circle. Before moving forward with the idea, he also recommends making sure that all neighbors are onboard, as the traffic circle can delay their own commutes.
Tips for Staying Safe while Driving through Residential Areas
Heavy traffic in Middle Tennessee means that many drivers seek shortcuts to get to work, school, or other destinations faster. However, it’s best to avoid using residential areas for shortcuts, as the roads aren’t designed for heavy traffic volumes that shortcuts can bring. No matter what brings you to neighborhood streets in Nashville, it’s important that you focus on safe driving to help prevent accidents.
Some important tips you should follow when driving on residential streets include:
Residential streets can have speed limits ranging from 30 mph to even 5 mph. Make sure you pay close attention to speed limit signs and never exceed those limits. You should also be aware of the presence of school zones and crossing guards, especially in the morning and evening when children are likely to be present.
Some drivers may roll through stop signs in residential areas, especially at intersections where they don’t often encounter other vehicles. But not coming to a complete stop is dangerous regardless of the amount of traffic that’s normally in the area. When you stop, be sure to look both ways and watch for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
Hidden driveways are common in neighborhoods and residential areas. Whether they’re blocked by buildings, shrubs, trees, or cars, some driveways are nearly or completely hidden. That lack of visibility goes both ways, as drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists leaving those driveways also may be unable to see traffic until they’re already in the road.
Because of the low speed limits in residential areas, some drivers may feel a false sense of security. That can lead to them engaging in dangerous behaviors, including using their smartphones, sending text messages, reading, eating, and doing other things that take their eyes and minds off the road.
At Matt Hardin Law, our Nashville auto accident attorneys know the crashes can happen anywhere and at any time. People can suffer severe injuries from low-speed accidents in residential areas and neighborhoods just as easily as they can get hurt in high-speed crashes on highways and interstates. That’s why it’s important to never let your guard down and to always follow safe driving practices and behaviors.
Were you or someone you know hurt in an accident that may have been caused by a careless driver? If so, you may be eligible to pursue a claim for compensation. Our legal team has more than two decades of experience fighting for the rights of injured car accident victims like you, and we have the resources to build a strong claim for you and your family. Get in touch with us today by dialing (615) 200-1111 or completing a free online consultation form.