Posted in Car Accident,Personal Injury,Tennessee Accident Law on February 18, 2016
TDOT Repairing Winter Storm-Related Potholes in Nashville
Cold weather and a heavy accumulation of ice and snow over the past month caused significant damage to roadways in the Middle Tennessee area, and now workers with the Tennessee Department of Transportation are working to repair the newly formed potholes on highways and interstates.
According to a report by, Wednesday was the first day since the winter weather hit the area that crews were able to get out and start patching the damaged roads. A spokesperson with TDOT told reporters that the potholes are forming faster than they can be fixed, and road crews are working between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to fix them to avoid affecting morning and afternoon commutes.
Potholes on Interstate 65 caused significant traffic delays Tuesday night as well as a multi-vehicle accident just south of Old Hickory Boulevard in Brentwood. After receiving reports of the pothole, TDOT responded to the damage and repaired it within hours.
Because temperatures are still low, TDOT road crews are currently applying a temporary solution to fill the potholes, but when temperatures rise above 55 degrees on a long-term basis, crews will be able to use a permanent solution to patch the damaged sections of road.
Important Facts to Know about Potholes
Potholes can range from minor annoyances on the roadway to significant dangers than cause major damage to your vehicle and even multi-vehicle accidents—especially when drivers swerve to avoid them. TDOT works around the clock after winter storms to patch potholes, but they can’t fix all of them right away. In addition, new potholes can form even after roads are treated.
To learn more about potholes, check out these facts presented by and TDOT:
Although potholes may seem to appear overnight, there are many steps involved in their formation. First, snow or rain seeps into the soil beneath the surface of the road. Then, the moisture freezes as temperatures drop, causing the soil to expand and push against the asphalt. As temperatures rise, the soil returns to its normal level, but the raised part of the asphalt remains. The raised section is then damaged by vehicle tires, eventually breaking apart and creating potholes.
The more vehicles that drive on a road every day, the more likely that road is to form potholes. In addition, roads that require additional attention during the winter due to their potential for causing accidents, such as bridges and ramps, are more likely to form potholes due to the accumulation of snow and ice-removal chemicals.
If you see a pothole, it’s important to report it to your TDOT Region Office right away. When reporting the pothole, note its exact location, including the street, highway, or interstate it’s located on, the nearest mile marker, and nearby intersections or cross streets.
Potholes can cause damage ranging from flat tires to significant front-end damage that knocks a vehicle out of alignment or even totals it. Anyone whose vehicle was damaged by a pothole in Tennessee can file a claim with Tennessee’s Division of Claims Administration. All claims are reviewed by investigators to determine whether the pothole should have been repaired before the vehicle was damaged.
At Matt Hardin Law, our Nashville auto accident attorneys know that potholes aren’t just dangerous because they can damage your vehicle—they’re also dangerous because they can cause drivers to swerve or suddenly change lanes into the path of other vehicles. Drivers who are already engaging in unsafe and negligent behaviors, such as speeding, driving while distracted, and driving under the influence can cause serious injuries to themselves and other motorists if they hit or swerve to avoid potholes.
If you or a loved one was injured in an auto accident caused by a careless driver, regardless of the road conditions, our legal team may be able to help you receive compensation for your accident-related expenses, such as your medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle repair costs. To find out how we can put our two decades of experience to work for your family, dial (615) 200-1111 or complete our free online consultation form.