




Tennessee Highway Patrol Working to Reduce Traffic Fatalities in the State

Posted in Car Accident,Distracted Driving,Negligence,Personal Injury,Tennessee Accident Law on February 12, 2015

Tennessee Highway Patrol Working to Reduce Traffic Fatalities in the State

Traffic fatalities in Tennessee decreased for the third straight year in 2014, despite there being more vehicles and miles traveled on the state’s roadways than at any point in the past.

According to a report by The Leaf-Chronicle, 967 people lost their lives in traffic fatalities in 2014, compared to 995 in 2013 and 1,014 in 2012.

Since statistics were first recorded for traffic deaths in the state, the year with the highest number of car accident fatalities was 1973 when 1,444 people were killed on Tennessee roadways.

Despite the improvement over the years, representatives with the Tennessee Highway Patrol say it’s not enough and that they are trying to reduce the number of traffic-related fatalities to zero.

A new campaign called “Drive to Zero” was recently launched to help further reduce deaths from car accidents by enforcing things like seat belt compliance, DUI stops, and tickets for speeding and other moving violations.

The THP also says it means drivers need to do their part by slowing down, never drinking and driving, and using seat belts at all times for all members of their families.

At Matt Hardin Law, our Clarksville car accident attorneys are supportive of any measure that helps increase awareness of traffic safety and cuts down on the risks of innocent victims suffering serious and life-threatening injuries.

How Can You Improve Road Safety in Tennessee?

Despite the efforts by the THP, road safety in Tennessee still depends on the actions of drivers like you. To help make your state’s roadways safer, keep these tips in mind any time you get behind the wheel:

  • Always drive at or below the speed limit.

Speed limits are established for a reason—to protect drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Speeding is not only dangerous due to the increased momentum and force of your vehicle, but also due to the fact that it makes it more difficult to stop or slow down in reaction to sudden movements of other vehicles. In addition, going 10 miles per hour over the speed limit won’t shave much time off your trip, but it will put you at a much higher risk of causing an accident.

  • Always come to a complete stop at stop signs.

Many drivers treat stop signs like yield signs and roll through them without coming to a complete stop. Like speed limits, stop signs are put into place for a reason, and many intersections utilize them to prevent drivers from being hit by cross traffic when crossing a busy street. Always come to a complete stop, pause momentarily to check for traffic both ways twice, and then cross the intersection when you’re certain the coast is clear.

  • Never drive distracted or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Distracted driving and driving while impaired are both equally dangerous. Whether you’re texting and driving or driving after consuming alcohol, your mental state is not well-equipped to handle the concentration and focus that safe driving requires. Never text while behind the wheel, and never get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking. Put your phone down before starting the car, and if you’ve been drinking, call a cab or have a friend take you home.

The Clarksville auto accident attorneys at Matt Hardin Law know that despite being a daily occurrence for most Tennesseans, driving still has the potential to cause serious injuries when you least expect an accident to occur. That’s why it’s important to keep your guard up at all times and do your part to stay safe and avoid dangerous situations.

If you or someone you love was recently injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be eligible to get money for your accident-related expenses through a personal injury claim. Our legal team knows the ins-and-outs of Tennessee car accident law, and we can build a claim that can maximize your chances of getting the results you need. Contact us today by dialing (615) 200-1111 or fill out a free online form.